Quadratic Equations | Pipes Cistern

Ex 4.3 Q9. CBSE 10th Maths NCERT exercise solution

Question: Two water taps together can fill a tank in 9(\\frac{3}{8})) hours. The tap of larger dimensions takes 10 hours less than the smaller one to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which each tap can separately fill the tank.

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Explanatory Answer

Step 1: Frame equations based on the information about the time taken by the two taps to fill the tank.
Let the time taken by the tap of larger dimension be t hours.
∴ time taken by the tap of smaller dimension = (t + 10) hours.
The larger tap will fill \\frac{1}{t}) of the tank in 1 hour
The smaller tap will fill \\frac{1}{t + 10}) of the tank in 1 hour
Together the 2 taps will fill \\frac{1}{t}) + \\frac{1}{t + 10}) of the tank in 1 hour ----------(1)

Statement: Two water taps fill a tank in 9\\frac{3}{8}) hrs
i.e., in \\frac{75}{8}) hours
So, the taps will fill \\frac{1}{75/8})= \\frac{8}{75}) of the tank in 1 hour ----------(2)

Equate (1) and (2)
\\frac{1}{t}) + \\frac{1}{t + 10}) = \\frac{8}{75})
Because t ≠ 0 and t cannot be -10, multiply the entire equation by t(t + 10)
(t + 10) + t = \\frac{8}{75})(t (t + 10))
2t + 10 = \\frac{8}{75})(t2 + 10t)
75(2t + 10) = 8t2 + 80 t
150t + 750 = 8t2 + 80 t
8t2 - 70t - 750 = 0
Divide the equation by 2 :
4t2 - 35t - 375 = 0

Step 2: Factorize to find the values of ‘t’

4t2 – 60t + 25t – 375 = 0
4t(t – 15) + 25 (t – 15) = 0
(4t + 25) (t – 15) = 0
t = \\frac{-25}{4}) and t = 15
Time taken is positive
∴ t = 15 hrs and t + 10 = 15 + 10 = 25 hrs