Extra Questions For Class 9 Maths Chapter 3

Coordinate Geometry | Cartesian System | Plotting Points on Plane | Quadrants in xy plane

Chapter 3 of CBSE NCERT Class 9 Math covers coordinate geometry. Concepts covered in chapter 3 include basic concepts of coordinate geometry, cartesian system, definition of abscissa and ordinates and plotting points in the Cartesian Plane. The extra questions given below include questions akin to HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions and exemplar questions of NCERT.

Here is a quick recap of the key concepts that are covered in the Coordinate Geometry Chapter in the CBSE NCERT Class 9 Math text book.

What is a cartesian plane?

A cartesian plane is a plane consisting of x and y coordinate axes which are perpendicular to each other.
This plane is used to locate an object or a point by calculating the relative distance from the x and y coordinate axes.
A cartesian plane is also called a coordinate plane or an xy plane.

What are the coordinate axes and quadrants?

The horizontal line is called x-axis and the vertical line is called y-axis.
The coordinate axes divide the cartesian plane into four parts called quadrants.

Describe the relationship between the signs of coordinates of a point and the quadrant of a point in which it lies.

The coordinates of a point in the 1st quadrant will be of the form (+, +). The point lies in the positive x axis and positive y direction.
The coordinates of a point in the 2nd quadrant will be of the form (-, +). The point lies in the negative x axis and positive y direction.
The coordinates of a point in the 3rd quadrant will be of the form (-, -). The point lies in the negative x axis and negative y direction.
The coordinates of a point in the 4th quadrant will be of the form (+, -). The point lies in the positive x axis and negative y direction.

What are the coordinates of a point that lie on the x-axis and those of a point that lies on the y-axis?

The coordinates of a point that lies on the x-axis will be of the form (x, 0). The ordinate or the y-coordinate is 0 for such points.
The coordinates of a point that lies on the y-axis will be of the form (0, y). The abscissa or the x-coordinate is 0 for such points.

Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths - Coordinate Geometry

  1. Question 1

    In which quadrant do the following points lie?
    (i) (6, 3)
    (ii) (-8, 4)
    (iii) (8, -7)
    (iv) (-5, -9)

  2. Question 2

    What is the perpendicular distance of the point (-7, 6) from the x-axis. What is its perpendicular distance from the y-axis?

  3. Question 3

    What is the area of the triangle formed by joining the points (8, 0), (12, 0), and (12, 4)?

  4. Question 4

    What is the area of the triangle formed by joining points (0, 5), (0, 11), and (8, 9)?

  5. Question 5

    In which quadrant or on which axis do these points lie?
    (i) (3, -5)
    (ii) (-6, 0)
    (iii) (-5, 8)
    (iv) (0, √3)

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