Curved Surface Area Cylinder | Exercise 13.2 | Q4

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths | Surface Areas & Volumes

Question 4: The diameter of a roller is 84 cm and its length is 120 cm. It takes 500 complete revolutions to move once over to level a playground. Find the area of the playground in m2.

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Explanatory Answer | Exercise 13.2 Question 4

Area of the playground = area covered by the roller in 500 revolutions.
In each revolution, the roller covers an area that is equal to its curved surface area.
The roller is in the shape of a cylinder. So, we have to compute the curved surface area of cylinder.
Therefore, the area of the playground = 500 × curved surface area of cylinder.

Given Data:
Height of the cylinder = length of the roller = 120 cm = \\frac{120}{100}) = \\frac{12}{10}) m.
Diameter of the cylinder = 84 cm. So, its radius = 42 cm = \\frac{42}{100}) cm = \\frac{21}{50}) cm

Curved Surface Area of Cylinder = 2πrh
Take π = \\frac{22}{7})

Area of the playground = 500 × curved surface area of cylinder (cylindrical roller)
= 500 × 2 × \\frac{22}{7}) × \\frac{21}{50}) × \\frac{12}{10})
= 500 × \\frac{2×22×3×12}{50×10})
= 44 × 36
Area of the playground = 1584 m2


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