Surface Areas & Volumes | Exercise 13.2 | Q9

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Maths | Curved Surface Area

Question 9: Find

(i) the lateral or curved surface area of a closed cylindrical petrol storage tank that is 4.2 m in diameter and 4.5 m high
(ii) how much steel was actually used if \\frac{1}{12}) of the steel actually used was wasted in making the tank.

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Explanatory Answer | Exercise 13.2 Question 9

Part (i) Lateral surface area of a right circular cylinder

Lateral surface area of a right circular cylinder = 2πrh
Take π = \\frac{22}{7})

Height of the cylindrical tank is 4.5 m
Diameter of the tank = 4.2 m
So, the radius of the tank = 2.1 m = \\frac{21}{10}) m

Curved surface area of cylinder or lateral surface area of cylinder = 2 × \\frac{22}{7}) × \\frac{21}{10}) × 4.5
= \\frac{22 × 27}{10}) = 59.4 m2

Part (ii): Area of steel required to make closed storage tank

It is a closed storage tank. So, area of steel used to make the tank is the total surface area of the cylinder.
Total surface area of cylinder = curved surface area of cylinder + 2 × area of circular base (one for the top and the other for the base).
We have already computed the curved surface area to be 59.4 m2

To compute the TSA, let us add the areas of the two circles, one at the top and the the other at the bottom.
Area of each circle = πr2 = \\frac{22}{7}) × \\frac{21}{10}) × \\frac{21}{10}) = \\frac{22 × 3 × 21}{100}) = 13.86 m2

Total surface area of cylinder = curved surface area + (2 × Area of one circle)
= 59.4 + (2 × 13.86)
Total surface area = 87.12 m2

Steel used to make the tank

\\frac{1}{12})th of steel used was wasted in making the tank.
So, 1-\\frac{1}{12}) = \\frac{11}{12})th of the steel was used to make the tank.

\\frac{11}{12}) of the steel used = 87.12 m2
∴ Total steel used = 87.12 × \\frac{12}{11}) = 95.04 m2


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